About Me
Turn Ideas into Reality.
Hey, I'm Dzaki Fadhlurohman, a frontend developer with over 4+ years of experiences, start learning web development stuff since 2017. Currently living in Jepara, Indonesia. My current local timezone at UTC+07:00
Fully working remotely since 2021 with various of companies and clients. In my free time I make it learning to improve my skill and took some side projects.
My goal and target as frontend dev is to build something beautifull view based on UI design, not just only beautiful, also with good user experince such as accessibility, usability, and performance.
Doing discussion with client or other team like a backend dev, designer, project manager, etc, it's my daily routine to make sure all of the requirements are met.
So for me, as professional remote worker something soft skill like, responsibility, time management, communication, critical thingking, problem solving is a must.
But, Why Frontend Dev?
Because I love technology, i have good sense of design, but I can't operate design software or draw something 😌😄, that's why I think frontend development is a sweet spot for me, because it's combine technology & visual stuff.
What tech stack did I use?
These few main tech stack that I use regulary in my daily work
React Js
Next Js
Tailwind CSS
Do you have a degree?
Yes i'm, I've a bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering. Graduated from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta with 3.5 year of study. (Sstt 🤫 I supposedly can put a title S.Kom behind of my name everywhere, lol 😆, but i think no need it, let my work proof my skill 😁)
Last but not least
After a while you look around this site, and you are looking for a frontend developer, I am sure you have found it, or for you who want to say hi feel free to contact me through my email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 😉